Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Shabbos Machvis

  • Q: What is this? When is this holiday? Are you having Pessach in Jersey? Oh my....
  • A: It's this shabbos. You wanna come to NJ?
  • Q: Sorry, I can't. So whats machvis about?
  • A: When The Chairman was growing up in Milwaukee, he and another kid were the only Jewish kids in their class. Whenever they cut school, and the teacher would ask why they were absent, they would tell the teacher that it was a Jewish holiday: machvis. So machvis is a made up holiday from The Chairman's childhood in Milwaukee, or as we call it, "the good land."

We're taking it seriously, with a spreadsheet and everything:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best Machvis ever!! We even got to hear the story of machvis, so eloquently summarized above, from the Magid of Machvis!